So many good points here!
Committee Chairman- I remember for some 20 years involved in the RBC, we had something going on every month, either a new build or re-model. Now nothing.
Siri82 - Most on every work Project (some 80 %) were Regular Pioneers be we(me and the wife) got to count our time on the project, many times 40 to 60 hours a month credit hours. I bet if these RBC Pioneers are still serving as Pioneers, they are struggling to get their real time in.
Also I recall that all 5 RBC Committee Members were Regular Pioneers. That was the ongoing joke; work on RBC projects, have some fun, count your time as a Pioneer and enjoy all the perks and recognition that goes with the title.
Bonus, Pioneer Elders were almost assured of getting Assembly and Convention Parts from using this status!!!